Interface ProviderCIMOMHandle

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ProviderCIMOMHandle
extends CIMOMHandle

Interface for Provider specific callbacks to the CIMOM.

WBEM 1.0

Method Summary
 void deliverEvent(java.lang.String namespace, CIMInstance indication)
          Method used by event providers to deliver indications into the CIM object manager.
 int getCurrentAuditId()
          Returns a usually unique identifier for the session to be used in auditing records to identify the remote client connection.
 java.lang.String getCurrentClientHost()
          Returns the remote client host name for the current session.
 java.lang.String getCurrentRole()
          Returns the current role assumed by the current authenticated user.
 java.lang.String getCurrentUser()
          Returns the current user on whose behalf the provider has been invoked.
 javax.wbem.provider.CIMAssociatorProvider getInternalCIMAssociatorProvider()
          Get the handle to an internal instance provider which can be used to traverse static association instances.
 javax.wbem.provider.CIMInstanceProvider getInternalCIMInstanceProvider()
          Get the handle to an internal instance provider which can be used to store static instance information for the provider.
 java.util.Locale[] getRequestedLocales()
Methods inherited from interface javax.wbem.client.CIMOMHandle
addCIMListener, associatorNames, associators, close, createClass, createInstance, createQualifierType, deleteClass, deleteInstance, deleteQualifierType, enumerateClasses, enumerateClassNames, enumerateInstanceNames, enumerateInstances, enumQualifierTypes, execQuery, getClass, getIndicationHandler, getInstance, getQualifierType, invokeMethod, performBatchOperations, referenceNames, references, removeCIMListener, setClass, setInstance, setInstance, setQualifierType

Method Detail


public void deliverEvent(java.lang.String namespace,
                         CIMInstance indication)
Method used by event providers to deliver indications into the CIM object manager. The CIM object manager event service subsequently takes care of delivering the event to subscribers.

namespace - The namespace to which this event pertains.
indication - The actual indication


public int getCurrentAuditId()
Returns a usually unique identifier for the session to be used in auditing records to identify the remote client connection.


public java.lang.String getCurrentClientHost()
Returns the remote client host name for the current session.


public java.lang.String getCurrentRole()
Returns the current role assumed by the current authenticated user. May be null if no role was assumed or no user authenticated.


public java.lang.String getCurrentUser()
Returns the current user on whose behalf the provider has been invoked.


public javax.wbem.provider.CIMAssociatorProvider getInternalCIMAssociatorProvider()
Get the handle to an internal instance provider which can be used to traverse static association instances.

The CIMAssociatorProvider handle


public javax.wbem.provider.CIMInstanceProvider getInternalCIMInstanceProvider()
Get the handle to an internal instance provider which can be used to store static instance information for the provider.

The CIMInstanceProvider handle


public java.util.Locale[] getRequestedLocales()

Java™ WBEM (JSR48) 1.0.0 API