Interface ProviderHandle

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ProviderHandle
extends WBEMClient

This interface is used by providers to get information regarding the current request or act as a client.

JSR48 1.0.0

Method Summary
 void deliverEvent(CIMInstance indication, CIMObjectPath[] matchedFilterOps)
          Method used by indication providers to deliver indications to the CIM object manager.
 void deliverEvent(java.lang.String namespace, CIMInstance indication)
          Method used by indication providers to deliver indications to the CIM object manager.
 java.lang.String getClient()
          Returns the remote client host name or IP Address for the current session.
 AssociatorProvider getInternalAssociatorProvider()
          Get the handle to an internal instance provider which can be used to traverse static association instances.
 InstanceProvider getInternalInstanceProvider()
          Get the handle to an internal instance provider which can be used to store static instance information for the provider.
 java.util.Locale[] getRequestedLocales()
          Get the locales requested from the client in priority order.
 java.lang.String getRole()
          Returns the current role assumed by the current authenticated user.
 java.lang.String getUser()
          Returns the current user on whose behalf the provider has been invoked.
Methods inherited from interface javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient
associatorNames, associators, close, createClass, createInstance, deleteClass, deleteInstance, deleteQualifierType, enumerateClasses, enumerateClassNames, enumerateInstanceNames, enumerateInstances, enumerateQualifierTypes, execQuery, getClass, getInstance, getQualifierType, initialize, invokeMethod, modifyClass, modifyInstance, referenceNames, references, setLocales, setQualifierType, setTimeout

Method Detail


public void deliverEvent(CIMInstance indication,
                         CIMObjectPath[] matchedFilterOps)
Method used by indication providers to deliver indications to the CIM object manager. The event provider specifies which filters matched, and the CIMOM simply forwards the indications to the handlers subscribed to the filters.

indication - The actual indication
matchedFilterOps - Array of object paths to the matched filters. If an object path is null, it is ignored. If any filter is invalid, for example, if it cannot be found, then the indication is not delivered to any of the filters.


public void deliverEvent(java.lang.String namespace,
                         CIMInstance indication)
Method used by indication providers to deliver indications to the CIM object manager. The CIM object manager event service subsequently takes care of delivering the event to subscribers.

namespace - The namespace to which this event pertains.
indication - The actual indication


public java.lang.String getClient()
Returns the remote client host name or IP Address for the current session.

The name or IP Address of the Client Host for this connection.


public AssociatorProvider getInternalAssociatorProvider()
Get the handle to an internal instance provider which can be used to traverse static association instances.

The CIMAssociatorProvider handle


public InstanceProvider getInternalInstanceProvider()
Get the handle to an internal instance provider which can be used to store static instance information for the provider.

The CIMInstanceProvider handle


public java.util.Locale[] getRequestedLocales()
Get the locales requested from the client in priority order.

An array of the requested Locales in priority order


public java.lang.String getRole()
Returns the current role assumed by the current authenticated user. May be null if no role was assumed or no user authenticated.


public java.lang.String getUser()
Returns the current user on whose behalf the provider has been invoked.

Java™ WBEM (JSR48) 1.0.0 API