Class CIM_RoutingPolicy
extends CIM_LogicalElement

This class is used to implement routing policies. It aggregates a set of FilterLists, along with other appropriate constructs, into a unit. One of the most important uses of this class is to change the routing policy by changing values of various BGP attributes in a consistent manner. A RoutingPolicy is weak to the network device (e.g., the ComputerSystem) that contains it. Hence, the ComputerSystem keys are propagated to this class.

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses


Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValueScopeFlavors
DescriptionstringThis class is used to implement routing policies. It aggregates a set of FilterLists, along with other appropriate constructs, into a unit. One of the most important uses of this class is to change the routing policy by changing values of various BGP attributes in a consistent manner. A RoutingPolicy is weak to the network device (e.g., the ComputerSystem) that contains it. Hence, the ComputerSystem keys are propagated to this class.None TRANSLATABLE= true

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeQualifiers
NameData TypeValueScopeFlavors
DescriptionstringThis defines the type of action that will be performed if the match conditions of this filter policy are met. There are essentially three choices: forward the traffic unmodified, forward the traffic, but modify either the BGP attributes describing the route and/or other attributes that define how to condition the traffic (e.g., its ToS byte settings), or prevent the traffic from being forwarded.None TRANSLATABLE= true
ValueMapstring1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9None None
ValuesstringAccept As Is, Accept With BGP Changes, Accept and Remark Packet, Accept With BGP and Remark Changes, Accept With Other Actions, Accept With BGP Changes and Other Actions, Accept with Remark Changes and Other Actions, Accept with BGP and Remark Changes and Other Actions, DenyNone TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringThis controls whether BGP attribute values replace, get prepended, or get appended to their existing values.None TRANSLATABLE= true
ValueMapstring1, 2, 3None None
ValuesstringReplace, Prepend, AppendNone TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringThis defines one or more BGP attributes that should beused to modify this routing update.None TRANSLATABLE= true
ValueMapstring1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10None None
ValuesstringOrigin, AS_Path, NEXT_HOP, Multi_Exit_Disc, Local_Pref, Atomic_Aggregate, Aggregator, Community, Originator_ID, Cluster_ListNone TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringThe value for the corresponding BGPAction.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringThis defines other actions to be taken for this traffic.None TRANSLATABLE= true
ValueMapstring1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7None None
ValuesstringOther, Input Flow Policing, Output Flow Policing, Input Aggregate Policing, Output Aggregate Policing, PoliceByMarkingDown, PoliceByDroppingDownNone TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringThe value for the corresponding ConditioningAction.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringCreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified.None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
MaxLenuint32256None None
DescriptionstringThe Description property is a free-form string that provides a textual description of the routing policy.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringThis is the name of the Routing Policy.None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
MaxLenuint32256None None
DescriptionstringIf the value of the ConditioningAction property of this class is 1, this contains an application-specific type of conditioning that is to be performed. Otherwise, if the ConditioningAction property is any other value, the value of this property should be NULL.None TRANSLATABLE= true
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_RoutingPolicy.ConditioningActionNone None
DescriptionstringThis defines a remarking action for this traffic.None TRANSLATABLE= true
ValueMapstring1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7None None
ValuesstringChange DSCP, Change ToS, Change 802.1Q Value, Change CIR, Change CBR, Change ABR, Change VBRNone TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringThe value for the corresponding RemarkAction.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringThe scoping ComputerSystem's CreationClassName. None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
MaxLenuint32256None None
PropagatedstringCIM_ComputerSystem.CreationClassNameNone OVERRIDABLE= false
DescriptionstringThe scoping ComputerSystem's Name.None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
MaxLenuint32256None None
PropagatedstringCIM_ComputerSystem.NameNone OVERRIDABLE= false

Inherited Properties

NameData TypeClass Origin