Class CIM_Person
extends CIM_UserEntity

The Person object class is used to represent people. The class is defined so as to incorporate commonly-used LDAP attributes to permit implementations to easily derive this information from LDAP-accessible directories. This class's properties are a subset of a related class, OtherPersonInformation, which defines all the group properties and in array form for directory compatibility.

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses


Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValueScopeFlavors
DescriptionstringThe Person object class is used to represent people. The class is defined so as to incorporate commonly-used LDAP attributes to permit implementations to easily derive this information from LDAP-accessible directories. This class's properties are a subset of a related class, OtherPersonInformation, which defines all the group properties and in array form for directory compatibility. None TRANSLATABLE= true

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeQualifiers
NameData TypeValueScopeFlavors
DescriptionstringThis property describes the kind of business performed by an organization.None TRANSLATABLE= true
MaxLenuint32128None None
DescriptionstringA Common Name is a (possibly ambiguous) name by which the role is commonly known in some limited scope (such as an organization) and conforms to the naming conventions of the country or culture with which it is associated.None TRANSLATABLE= true
RequiredbooleantrueNone None
DescriptionstringCreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified.None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
MaxLenuint32256None None
DescriptionstringBased on inetPrgPerson, the Employee Number property specifies a numeric or an alphanumeric identifier assigned to a person.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringBased on inetOrgPerson, the Employee Type property is used to identify the employer to employee relationship. Typical values used may include 'Contractor', 'Employee', 'Intern', 'Temp', 'External', and 'Unknown' but any value may be used.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringThe person's facsimile telephone number.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringBased on RFC1274, the Home Phone property specifies a home telephone number for the person, e.g. + 44 582 10101).None TRANSLATABLE= true
MaxLenuint3232None None
DescriptionstringFrom inetOrgPerson, the JPEG Phto property values may be used for one or more images of a person using the JPEG File Interchange Format.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringThis property contains the name of a locality, such as a city, county or other geographic region.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringBased on RFC1274, the mail box addresses for the person as defined in RFC822.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringThe person's manager within the organization. In the case of an LDAP-derived instance, the Manager property value may contain the distinguishedName of the Manager.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringBased on RFC1274, the Mobile Phone property specifies a mobile telephone number for the person, e.g. + 44 582 10101).None TRANSLATABLE= true
MaxLenuint3232None None
DescriptionstringThe Name property defines the label by which the object is known. In the case of an LDAP-derived instance, the Name property value may be set to the distinguishedName of the LDAP-accessed object instance.None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
MaxLenuint321024None None
DescriptionstringThe name of an organizational unit related to the person.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringBased on RFC1274, the Pager property specifies a pager telephone number for the person, e.g. + 44 582 10101).None TRANSLATABLE= true
MaxLenuint3232None None
DescriptionstringThe Postal Code property specifies the postal code of the organization. If this value is present it will be part of the object's postal address.None TRANSLATABLE= true
MaxLenuint3240None None
DescriptionstringBased on inetOrgPerson, the person's preferred written or spoken language.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringBased on RFC1274, the Secretary property may be used to specify a secretary for the person. In the case of an LDAP-derived object instance, the value may be a distinguishedName.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringThe State or Province Name property specifies a state or province.None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringThe Surname property specifies the linguistic construct that normally is inherited by an individual from the individual's parent or assumed by marriage, and by which the individual is commonly known.None TRANSLATABLE= true
RequiredbooleantrueNone None
DescriptionstringThe Telephone Number property specifies a telephone number of the organization, e.g. + 44 582 10101).None TRANSLATABLE= true
MaxLenuint3232None None
DescriptionstringThe Title property may be used to specify the person's designated position or function of the object within an organization, e.g., Manager, Vice-President, etc.None TRANSLATABLE= true

Inherited Properties

NameData TypeClass Origin