Class CIM_NextService

In processing or 'conditioning' a packet at a network device, that packet is handled by a variety of ConditioningServices (such as Classifiers, Meters, Droppers, etc.). The Services may feed one another directly, or be more discretely mapped to multiple 'next' Services (for example, queues) based on the characteristics of the packet. There is a need to indicate the sequence of Services when conditioning packets in a network device. This is accomplished via the NextService association. Both one-to-one and fan in/fan out relationships can be described. Note that this relationship is truly a Dependency association, but can not be modeled as such - since an additional key property is required. This key allows a ConditioningService to forward multiple traffic flows to the same 'next' Service but maintain their traffic 'identity'. This identity must be maintained to allow a later step in the conditioning process to 'fan out' from one to many 'next' Services. The TrafficClass key property uniquely distinguishes potentially multiple NextService instances between the same ConditioningServices.

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses


Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValueScopeFlavors
AssociationbooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
Descriptionstring In processing or 'conditioning' a packet at a network device, that packet is handled by a variety of ConditioningServices (such as Classifiers, Meters, Droppers, etc.). The Services may feed one another directly, or be more discretely mapped to multiple 'next' Services (for example, queues) based on the characteristics of the packet. There is a need to indicate the sequence of Services when conditioning packets in a network device. This is accomplished via the NextService association. Both one-to-one and fan in/fan out relationships can be described. Note that this relationship is truly a Dependency association, but can not be modeled as such - since an additional key property is required. This key allows a ConditioningService to forward multiple traffic flows to the same 'next' Service but maintain their traffic 'identity'. This identity must be maintained to allow a later step in the conditioning process to 'fan out' from one to many 'next' Services. The TrafficClass key property uniquely distinguishes potentially multiple NextService instances between the same ConditioningServices.None TRANSLATABLE= true

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeQualifiers
NameData TypeValueScopeFlavors
DescriptionstringTraffic flows from the various ConditioningServices may be distinguished by their specific traffic class (information which is conveyed in the FilterEntry.TrafficClass property). There can be only one traffic 'class of service' per output from the ConditioningService (i.e., per instance of this association).None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_FilterEntry.TrafficClassNone None

Association References

NameClass OriginReference Class