Class CIM_IPRoute
extends CIM_NextHopRouting

An IPRoute relates a destination address to the address or interface through which the remote address may be reached. The destination address may be a specific IP endpoint or a subnet, dependent on the mask. An instance of this class represents either static or dynamic routing. Static routes are distinguished by setting the IsStatic boolean property to TRUE. Since many routes between endpoints can be defined (using different route calculation algorithms), the CIM_IPRoute class is defined as Abstract. This forces subclassing (for example, see CIM_BGPIPRoute) and allows the instances of its subclasses to be distinguished based on their CreationClassName key property.

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses


Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValueScopeFlavors
AbstractbooleantrueTOSUBCLASS= falseOVERRIDABLE= false
DescriptionstringAn IPRoute relates a destination address to the address or interface through which the remote address may be reached. The destination address may be a specific IP endpoint or a subnet, dependent on the mask. An instance of this class represents either static or dynamic routing. Static routes are distinguished by setting the IsStatic boolean property to TRUE. Since many routes between endpoints can be defined (using different route calculation algorithms), the CIM_IPRoute class is defined as Abstract. This forces subclassing (for example, see CIM_BGPIPRoute) and allows the instances of its subclasses to be distinguished based on their CreationClassName key property.None TRANSLATABLE= true

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeQualifiers
NameData TypeValueScopeFlavors
DescriptionstringAn enumeration that describes the format of the address property. Addresses that can be formatted in IPv4 format, must be formatted that way to ensure mixed IPv4/IPv6 support. AddressType is part of the key so that an IPv4 and an IPv6 route to IP subnets with the same network number but different versions (v4/v6) can coexist None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
ValueMapstring0, 1, 2None None
ValuesstringUnknown, IPv4, IPv6None TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringCreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified.None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
MaxLenuint32256None None
DescriptionstringThe address which serves as the destination to be reached.None TRANSLATABLE= true
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_IPRoute.IPDestinationAddressNone None
OverridestringDestinationAddressNone OVERRIDABLE= false
DescriptionstringThe mask for the DestinationAddress.None TRANSLATABLE= true
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_IPRoute.IPDestinationMaskNone None
OverridestringDestinationMaskNone OVERRIDABLE= false
DescriptionstringThe IP address which serves as the destination of the traffic, formatted according to the appropriate convention as defined in the AddressType property of this class. This property has the same semantics as DestinationAddress inherited from the NextHopRouting superclass, but a different property name. This is because this property and class were defined before NextHopRouting and are Key properties. They cannot be removed. ModelCorrespondence indicates that they should be set to equivalent values for consistency and ease of query.None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_IPRoute.DestinationAddressNone None
DescriptionstringThe mask for the destination IP address, formatted according to the appropriate convention as defined in the AddressType property of this class. This property has the same semantics as DestinationMask inherited from the NextHopRouting superclass, but a different property name. This is because this property and class were defined before NextHopRouting and are Key properties. They cannot be removed. ModelCorrespondence indicates that they should be set to equivalent values for consistency and ease of query.None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_IPRoute.DestinationMaskNone None
DescriptionstringThe scoping ForwardingService's CreationClassName.None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
MaxLenuint32256None None
PropagatedstringCIM_Service.CreationClassNameNone OVERRIDABLE= false
DescriptionstringThe scoping ForwardingService's Name.None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
MaxLenuint32256None None
PropagatedstringCIM_Service.NameNone OVERRIDABLE= false
DescriptionstringThe scoping System's CreationClassName.None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
MaxLenuint32256None None
PropagatedstringCIM_System.CreationClassNameNone OVERRIDABLE= false
DescriptionstringThe scoping System's Name.None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
MaxLenuint32256None None
PropagatedstringCIM_System.NameNone OVERRIDABLE= false

Inherited Properties

NameData TypeClass Origin